"Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." -Jesus

The Bible is to our souls as food is to our bodies. The Creator of the universe has spoken, and we get to listen. More than that, we get to be sustained and transformed by God's Word. Here's an approach you can take to feast. Read a passage of Scripture that you can understand. A verse, a paragraph, a chapter. Whatever works best for you. Then ask these three questions:

What does this passage teach?

So what does it mean for me?

Now what will I do with it?

Many in the church family engage the Bible together each year (Old Testament and New Testament plans). Following the same plan as others creates a special sense of accountability and encouragement. You can easily connect with these individuals through the Bible app reading groups, or, if you use a hard copy from Next Steps, you could ask a friend to join you in engaging the Bible for a year. If you have questions or need help or prayer, talk to a church member, pastor, or elder.